Shabura Rental English Translation patch

I've got a nice treat for you this summer, the English patch for one of the better(in my opinion) HonkyTonk Pumpkin titles: Shabura Rental

Installation is straight forward, just copy and paste the contents of the archive inside the game installation folder, but make sure to install the font(the ms-pgothic.ttf file) that comes with the patch!

In case you're wondering about the d3d9.dll, the patch uses StringReloads to change the textbox font for it to better work with the English text.

The patch works for both the "version you can find online" as well as the DLsite version. More info on setting it up inside the README.txt file. 

I've also added instructions on how to get the game working for people having trouble getting it to start in the first place, Atelier Kaguya games are known to have issues with the installation if you're not running a fully Japanese locale system.

Download link: MEGA

With that being said, I hope you'll enjoy this as much as I enjoyed working on it and of course fappi... *cough*, *cough*, I mean... Playing through it :)

Patch was tested on Windows 10 using Locale Emulator.
